Press Releases
October 21, 2011
Logic Design Inc. Announces new Robotics Simulation Software
February 5, 2009
Logic Design Inc. Announces new Robotics Simulation Software
December 3, 2007
Logic Design Inc. Launches CircuitLogix Pro
November 7, 2006
Free Student Version of CircuitLogix Software Released
January 12, 2005
New Simulation Product Breaks Price/Performance Barrier in EDA Software
November 16, 2003
Logic Design Inc. Launches New Course Management Package
June 10, 2001
New PLC Interactive Learning Package Released by Logic Design Inc.
October 7, 1999
Logic Design Inc. Announces Release of Electro-Mechanical CBT
October 21, 2011
« Back to Press Release ListNew 3D electrical/electronics simulation product released by Logic
Design Inc.
TORONTO, CANADA, October 21, 2011 – Logic Design Inc. today announced the availability of 3DLab, which is a revolutionary software product that combines an interactive 3-dimensional learning environment and "real world" electrical and electronic devices. This 3D simulation software is a "virtual reality"-type of lab environment and is designed to closely replicate the appearance and functionality of actual devices and instruments. It is used to reinforce the fundamentals of electricity and electronics.
According to Kevin Fullerton, Logic Design’s Chief Technology Officer, 3DLab was designed specifically to meet a demand identified by its customers. “With an installed base of over 120,000 customers, we actively solicit feedback from our base and 3DLab is a direct response to this feedback”, says Fullerton. “We have with a minimal instruction set, but the capability to provide powerful and accurate circuit simulations. We beta tested the product with educators and students around the world and the feedback has been excellent”. Fullerton also attributes the early interest in the product to its low price. “It is our least expensive simulation product and is designed to reach the largest number of possible customers” says Fullerton. Priced at under $40 U.S., and with a universal language user interface, the product is specifically intended to overcome the price and language barriers that often impede software sales in large markets such as India and China.
The software engine used in 3DLab is based on Logic Design’s award-winning RoboLogix 3D software engine, which combines the highest degree of functionality with the simplest user interface. Like all of its simulation products, Logic Design’s new 3DLab is primarily an educational resource. The main difference with the new product is that it is designed to target students in all electrical and electronics programs ranging from high school to colleges and universities. The 3D “game-like” user interface and functionality will have a strong appeal for the high school market, according to Fullerton. “We have tested the product in high schools around the world, and the response has been terrific. Students really seem to enjoy the user interface and claim that it’s a fun way to learn a difficult and challenging subject“.
While simple to use, 3DLab’s software engine and advanced program algorithms make it a very powerful laboratory simulation package complete with measuring instruments, control devices, and workbench. It is intended to provide a virtual electronics lab where you can design, build, and test electrical and electronic circuits. Placing devices onto the worktable is as simple as moving your mouse. There are approximately 30 different devices and instruments available in 3DLab. These components include batteries, switches, meters, lamps, resistors, inductors, capacitors and instruments including oscilloscopes, logic analyzers and frequency counters. 3DLab is very easy to learn and provides an excellent bridge to more complex lab simulation found in SPICE-based CircuitLogix.
About Logic Design Inc.
Founded in 1996, Logic Design Inc. is an emerging leader in affordable, easy-to-use schematic capture, and simulation software including CircuitLogix, RoboLogix, and plcLogix. In addition to 3DLab, other education products developed by Logic Design include computer-based training DVD-ROMs covering electronics, electro-mechanics, programmable logic controllers and robotics, as well as a range of textbooks and course management software.
February 5, 2009
« Back to Press Release ListLogic Design Inc. Announces new Robotics Simulation Software
Convert your computer into a fully functioning 3D robot.
TORONTO, CANADA, February 5, 2009. Logic Design Inc. a world-leader in simulation software tools today announced the release of RoboLogix. This new software package is designed to emulate real-world robotics applications and allows users to test, run, and troubleshoot programs written using a five-axis industrial robot in a wide range of practical applications. With RoboLogix, users can run the simulator to test and visually examine the execution of robot programs and control algorithms, while plotting instantaneous joint accelerations, velocities and positions.
According to Kevin Fullerton, Logic Design's Chief Technology Officer, RoboLogix is the only robotics simulator of its kind in the world. "We have combined the power of a physics engine and its precise renderings and robot motion, with a user-friendly Graphic User Interface based on an industry-standard instruction set, and the result is unprecedented in simulation technology", says Fullerton. "No other robotics simulator can provide this type of real-world simulation with the precision and accuracy of a modern industrial robot".
RoboLogix is ideal for students as well as robot designers and engineers. The simulation software allows for verification of the reach- ability, travel ranges and collisions. This allows for increased reliability of the planning process and program development as well as reducing the overall completion/commissioning time. RoboLogix enables programmers to write their own robot programs, modify the environment and use the available sensors. These sensors include video cameras which are used for obtaining the desired position of the robot end effector. In addition, a teach pendant is included with the simulator that allows the user to command the robot to pick up a tracked object and return it to a home location through jogged commands or pre-programmed positions.
The ability to preview the behavior of a robotic system in a "virtual" world allows for a variety of mechanisms, devices, configurations and controllers to be tried and tested before being applied to a "real world" system. RoboLogix receives control signals, determines if contact or collision between objects in the system has occurred, and returns simulated sensor information as feedback. This system has the capacity of real-time simulation of the motion of an industrial robot through 3D animation. The principles of 3D motion simulation and both geometry modeling and kinematics modeling are presented in the RoboLogix virtual environment.
About Logic Design Inc.
Founded in 1996, Logic Design Inc. (LDI) is a privately-held corporation headquartered in Toronto, Canada. LDI offers a suite of products ranging from simulation software to textbooks to computer-based testing, and course management software. In addition to its best-selling simulation products, such as CircuitLogix, 3DLab, LogixPro, and RoboLogix, the company also has a strong focus on educational products to support the use of simulation. These products are used worldwide by thousands of students, educators, professional design engineers, and hobbyists. The company sells its products directly in the US and Canada and through a worldwide network of distributors.
December 3, 2007
« Back to Press Release ListLogic Design Inc. Launches CircuitLogix Pro
New Affordable Circuit Design Software fills price/performance gap in EDA market
TORONTO, CANADA, December 3, 2007 - Logic Design Inc., a leading developer of desktop electronic design automation (EDA) software today announced the release of CircuitLogix Pro. This new version of the popular CircuitLogix software now provides complete schematic design and simulation combining both 2D- and 3D-simulation in a user-friendly operating environment. Along with expanded simulation capability, CircuitLogix Pro features a larger device library, easier SPICE model import, and no limit on the number of pins for an individual device.
CircuitLogix Pro provides high-quality schematic capture and accurate SPICE-based analog, digital, and mixed-signal simulation in one complete program. Schematic features include a pre-built symbol editor for custom device symbol creation, automatic wire routing, printout borders and enhanced pin annotation. CircuitLogix Pro's advanced simulation features include 9 different analyses, an array of virtual instruments for testing and probing, and a comprehensive 10,000 device library. Completely expandable and scalable, CircuitLogix Pro imports SPICE models directly and supports digital SimCode for creating custom digital XSPICE models.
"CircuitLogix has used SPICE-based analog simulation for many years and it is proven to be a very fast and accurate simulation methodology," said Logic Design's Chief Technology Officer, Kevin Fullerton. With CircuitLogix Pro, technicians, designers, and engineers have access to a powerful EDA tool that provides unprecedented performance for its price. The simulations give real-world results designers can trust. A host of analyses in CircuitLogix Pro allow for the testing and troubleshooting of circuits and, by using the free-floating probe tool, users can instantly see waveforms and measurements on virtual instruments such as an oscilloscope, curve tracer, bode plotter, or multimeter.
About Logic Design Inc.
Founded in 1996, Logic Design Inc. (LDI) is a privately-held corporation headquartered in Toronto, Canada. LDI offers a suite of products ranging from simulation software to textbooks to computer-based testing, and course management software. In addition to its best-selling simulation products, such as CircuitLogix, 3DLab, LogixPro, and RoboLogix, the company also has a strong focus on educational products to support the use of simulation. These products are used worldwide by thousands of students, educators, professional design engineers, and hobbyists. The company sells its products directly in the US and Canada and through a worldwide network of distributors.
November 7, 2006
« Back to Press Release ListFree Student Version of CircuitLogix Software Released
Now electronics and engineering students can use advanced simulation software to better prepare for high-tech electronics careers. TORONTO, CANADA, November 7, 2006 - Logic Design Inc. has announced the release of a new Student Version of their popular CircuitLogix electronic design and simulation software. Students can use CircuitLogix to learn electronics and better prepare for an electronics career. Best of all, the Student Version is available for free for students to download from the CircuitLogix website at www.CircuitLogix.com. As an added bonus, students can also download free circuit files to accompany all the major electronics textbooks.
"This new Student Version of CircuiLogix will be a great asset to those studying electricity, electronics, electro-mechanics, engineering, physics and even math, because it gives students access to industry-level circuit design and simulation for free," said Scott Duncan, Vice-President of sales and marketing at Logic Design Inc. "Using CircuitLogix, students can design electronic circuits, then test and troubleshoot them right on the computer. There are no expensive parts or equipment to buy, and they can make changes to their circuits and see the results instantly."
The CircuitLogix software provides a "virtual electronics lab" where users can freely experiment with electronic circuits and learn how to create working electronic devices. Users can design basic to advanced circuits, like those used in cell-phones, radios, TVs and computers. The software provides a comprehensive library of devices to choose from, and has various "virtual instruments" like oscilloscopes and multimeters that allow users to measure, test and troubleshoot the circuits they create.
Educational institutions worldwide, from high schools to universities, use CircuitLogix in the classroom to teach electronics. CircuitLogix helps students learn electronics theory and see how it applies to real-life situations. It also gives schools an affordable supplement to traditional electronics lab equipment, which can be costly to maintain.
"I have been using CircuitLogix for approximately3 years in our distance education electronics programs," said Brenda Yip, Manager of Distance Education, George Brown College. "Before we had CircuitLogix we used other simulators and from my experience CircuitLogix is by far the best electronics simulator on the market. It is a very intuitive, and powerful software simulation package. The students really love this software. There are many exciting things that can be done with it, with minimal knowledge."
The Student Version has the same basic features as the Full Version of CircuitLogix, but is restricted to a maximum of 50 parts per design and a library of 1,000 models. The Full Version includes 3DLab, which is a powerful 3D Virtual-reality lab that allows students to design and build DC circuits. Other limitations of the Student Version include PCB netlist output, and the restriction on the creation of new devices.
Students who are unable to download the Student Version or who prefer a hard copy can purchase a CircuitLogix Student Version CD with User Manual for $50 from Logic Design directly. Logic Design also provides many ancillary products for CircuitLogix including computer-based training CDs in Electronics, Electro-Mechanics, and Programmable Logic Controllers, as well as textbooks, and course-management software. A complete listing of the educational products is available at the Logic Design website: www.LogicDesign.com.
About Logic Design Inc.
Founded in 1996, Logic Design Inc. is a fully-integrated technical education company with a suite of products ranging from simulation software to textbooks to computer-based testing, and course management software. The company sells its products directly in the US and Canada and through a worldwide network of distributors in over 27 countries. In addition to the PLC Technician CD-ROM, other education products developed by Logic Design include Electronics CBT, Electro-Mechanics CBT, as well as textbooks, workbooks, and course management software. These products are used worldwide by thousands of students, educators, professional design engineers, and hobbyists.
January 12, 2005
« Back to Press Release ListNew Affordable Circuit Simulation Software Fills the Price/Performance Gap in EDA
Get 90% of the power of high-cost EDA tools for a fraction of the price.
TORONTO, CANADA, January 12, 2005 - Logic Design Inc. today announced the availability of CircuitLogix Version 5, the popular schematic capture and simulation tool that now features fast, accurate mixed-signal simulation previously available only in high-cost EDA software.
"With Version 5, students can simulate any combination of analog and digital components," said Kevin Fullerton, Director of Product Development for Logic Design Inc. "Mixed-signal simulation is as easy and the speed and accuracy rivals EDA tools costing thousands of dollars." Along with the expanded simulation capability, the new release features a larger device library of over 4,000 devices, easier SPICE model import, and no limit on the number of pins for an individual device.
CircuitLogix is an EDA software tool that seamlessly integrates schematic capture and simulation in one complete program. Professional schematic capabilities include a built-in symbol editor, a macro feature for hierarchical devices, and automatic wire routing. These features allow users to quickly create high-quality schematics for documentation.
Designers can export CircuitLogix schematics as PCB netlists for use in printed circuit board layout products. CircuitLogix features a proven, accurate 32-bit SPICE3f5/XSpice-based simulator for analog and mixed-signal circuits, and a fully interactive digital logic mode when only logic simulation is needed. "CircuitLogix has used SPICE-based analog simulation for many years, it's proven, very accurate, and fast. The simulations give real-world results designers can trust," said Fullerton. "With Version 5, we've added and greatly enhanced XSpice to facilitate the mixed analog/digital simulation."
A host of analyses in CircuitLogix allow designers to test and troubleshoot circuits in a "virtual electronics lab", without worrying about bad parts or faulty connections that often plague traditional prototyping. And with a click of the free-floating Probe tool, users can instantly see waveforms and measurements on virtual instruments like the digital oscilloscope, curve tracer, bode plotter or digital multimeter.
Using simulation tools like CircuitLogix, students, engineers, designers, and bench technicians all have the freedom to try all the "what-if" scenarios - changing parts or component values, then re-running the simulation to see how changes affect the circuit's operation and performance. This type of testing is not always feasible with traditional breadboarding methods. CircuitLogix Version 3 operates on the Windows 98, 2000, NT, and XP. Single-user copies are priced at $249, and special upgrade offers are available for current registered users. Multi-user site licenses for corporate networks and labs are also available.
About Logic Design Inc.
Founded in 1996, Logic Design Inc. is an emerging leader in affordable, easy-to-use schematic capture, and simulation software. In addition to CircuitLogix, other education products developed by Logic Design include computer-based training CD-ROMs covering electronics, electro-mechanics, and programmable logic controllers, as well as textbooks and course management software.
November 16, 2003
« Back to Press Release ListLogic Design Inc. Launches New Course Management Package
Powerful new features revolutionize testing and assessment.
TORONTO, CANADA, November 16, 2003 - Logic Design Inc. today announced the release of its new Course Management Package (CMP) that includes an unlimited number of test questions, detailed feedback, grading, and records management features.
According to Kevin Fullerton, Director of Product Development at Logic Design Inc., the new CMP is designed to provide much-needed assistance to High School, College and University professors in the marking of exams and assessing student's performance. Fullerton states "The CMP reduces labor in course administration and allows instructors to re-direct energy and resources away from tedious work such as grading exams".
Students can access the secure examination site either on their own School's server, or through a website provided by Logic Design Inc. With each marked exam, students receive a detailed grade report outlining which questions were answered incorrectly and specific references to where the student needs improvement.
The CMP includes an unlimited number of potential test questions and generates individual random tests for each module of the program. The CMP provides automatic grading with a detailed report including which questions were answered incorrectly and individualized feedback on progress.
For companies with small training departments and budgets, the CMP and proprietary course material can be used as a stand-alone training package, while companies with larger training facilities can benefit from using the CMP to augment existing training by allowing instructors to focus on more product-specific training or to focus on assisting individual students who require help.
Educators and corporate trainers will also find the package useful for Prior Learning Assessment to gauge student's knowledge of fundamental electronic principles before teaching higher-level course material.
About Logic Design Inc.
Founded in 1996, Logic Design Inc. is a fully-integrated technical education company with a suite of products ranging from simulation software to textbooks to computer-based testing, and course management software. The company sells its products directly in the US and Canada and through a worldwide network of distributors in over 27 countries. In addition to the PLC Technician CD-ROM, other education products developed by Logic Design include Electronics CBT, Electro-Mechanics CBT, as well as textbooks, workbooks, and course management software.
June 10, 2001
« Back to Press Release ListLogic Design Inc. announces New PLC Interactive Learning Suite
Full integration of PLC simulation with the most up-to-date course material. TORONTO, CANADA, June 10, 2001 - Logic Design Inc. today announced the launch of its new Programmable Logic Controllers (PLC) Technician CBT program with full emulation of the Rockwell ControlLogix PLC system.
Although the product is new, it has been in the planning stages for over 6 years, according to Kevin Fullerton, Director of Product Development for Logic Design Inc. "It was always our intention to provide fully-functioning PLC simulation, and our CircuitLogix electronics simulator was the first on the market to provide basic ladder logic simulation many years ago". With LogixPro PLC simulation, students can design, test, and run PLC programs, and the 3D Animations included in the tutorial material provide a virtual-reality environment for the presentation of many practical applications of PLCs in industry.
The PLC computer-based training package provides a fully functioning PLC simulator with 19 modular lessons covering everything from relay logic to counters, timers, sequencers, math functions, advanced programming languages, and an introduction to Robotics. According to Fullerton, the course material was developed in direct partnership with industry leaders. "We had already established strong partnerships with over 200 companies in the manufacturing industry through our development of the Electro-Mechanical CBT, and it was a great benefit to us to have this direct connection with industry. The end result is a very power learning resource and a highly interactive and engaging learning environment".
The PLC Technician CD-ROM operates on the Windows 98, 2000, NT, and XP. Single-user copies are priced at $399. Multi-user site licenses for corporate networks and labs are also available.
About Logic Design Inc.
Founded in 1996, Logic Design Inc. is a fully-integrated technical education company with a suite of products ranging from simulation software to textbooks to computer-based testing, and course management software. The company sells its products directly in the US and Canada and through a worldwide network of distributors in over 27 countries. In addition to the PLC Technician CD-ROM, other education products developed by Logic Design include Electronics CBT, Electro-Mechanics CBT, as well as textbooks, workbooks, and course management software.
October 7, 1999
« Back to Press Release ListLogic Design Inc. Announces Release of Electro-Mechanical CBT
State-of-the-art animation and lab simulation provide a virtual manufacturing environment.
TORONTO, CANADA, October 7, 1999 - Logic Design Inc. today announced the release of its new Electro-Mechanical computer-based training program. This integrated learning package bridges the worlds of electronics and mechanics by using simulation, up-to-date course material, and unlimited test questions contained in 24 modular lessons.
The award-winning Electronics CBT was the template for the new Electro-Mechanical product and it shares core subject material, but has many different features including its own laboratory simulator, CircuitLogix. "We had used Electronics Workbench for many years in our Electronics CBT, and with the development of the new Electro-Mechanical curriculum we had no choice but to develop our own simulator. We needed something that was more relevant to the electro-mechanical market and developed our own simulator with over 300 devices and components designed specifically for electro-mechanical subject matter".
"Developing a simulator to support the course material is a tremendous challenge and we are very pleased with the results" says Fullerton. "Our background in 3D simulation was a big help in the initial stages of product development, and we are now well-positioned to continue to grow and evolve this new simulator".
The Electro-Mechanical CBT CD-ROM operates on the Windows 3.11, 95, 98, and NT. Single-user copies are priced at $399 and include a Full Version of CircuitLogix lab simulator. Multi-user site licenses for corporate networks and labs are also available.
About Logic Design Inc.
Founded in 1996, Logic Design Inc. is a fully-integrated technical education company with a suite of products ranging from simulation software to textbooks to computer-based testing, and course management software. The company sells its products directly in the US and Canada and through a worldwide network of distributors in over 27 countries. In addition to the Electro-Mechanics CBT CD-ROM, other education products developed by Logic Design include Electronics CBT, as well as textbooks, workbooks, and course management software.